wah, sudah sgt lama urs truly x update blog nie..dah mcm nk bg spider apply PR jer..huhu
nyway, xsempat nak update pasal wedding lagi.try nak upload pics from photoG, but urfortunately, pixel sgt besar so i need to resize all those pics and the pics r hundreds..berjanggut nk ngadap screen nie, mau tumbuh pokok kat mata..huhu..so, nti2la eh, tggu 1st year anniversary ker..but for my FB frens, u can view those pics in my FB album k!
so, since dah 1 month being as hubby & wifey nih, most of our activities are related to our relatives at both side..wedding cousin la, visit aunties' n uncles' houz la..yg paling latest nih, last saturday, my uncle treat us dinner kat Restaurant Shuhaida sec. 13, Shah Alam..3 tables telah di booking untuk we all melantak makan sgn sopan.n food sgt byk dan sedap,especially sotong goreng telor masin n lemon chicken..aduh.kecur air hingus air liur..(urs truly pose hari nie ye, hrp faham).. tpi i x focus sgt makan coz bz amik gmbr + gomol baby ayra yg sgt cubby..here are the pictures taken at the crime scene..huhuhu..enjoy!! XOXO!
the big family..ni golongan veteran..so xleh duk semeja ngn diorg coz xcukup sifat umur lagi..huhu
BIG GRIN from TAUKE 4 the dinner!! thanx cik rosli!! lain hari leh belanja lagi!! (ditujukan kpd ank pompuanye yg baca blog aku nih! ko lah! sape lg! hahaha
my bro n siz inlaw..alwayz pengantin baru!ceh!
nie baru pengantin baru betul punyer..huhu
isteri yg ditinggalkan suami
suami yg bawa diri sbb isteri mkn xingat kat suami..isk isk..sadis btol..
akhirnya mereka bersatu kembali demi anak yg sgt byk mulut keletah..THE BESTEST COUSIN EVER
geng pipi tembam